Bail Bonds: The Vital Role They Play In The Criminal Justice System
Practically everybody has heard of the phrase bail bonds. Bail bonds are not something most of us deal with on a daily basis, but you probably have heard about it from movies or you’ve seen a sign posted somewhere with these words. You’re bound to see bail bonds in every city you visit in Los Angeles. You can expect to find bail bonds in Hollywood, as well as Van Nuys bail bonds. Discover the role bail bonds play in the criminal justice system of the United States.
Typically, a person needs to post bail after being arrested, should they wish to be set free as they wait for trial. This is the typical scenario but there are exceptions.
First of all, not everyone who has been arrested will be put inside a jail cell. For several number of minor offenses, instead of jail time, the officer will just simply hand out a citation. One very common illustration of a minor offense is when you violate a traffic law.
In the event that a person is arrested and placed inside a jail cell, the first thing that person will want to know is how much bail money he will need to put up in order to get out of jail. In the case of lesser crimes such as misdemeanors, the bail fee is typically a standard amount, which can be either posted by the person arrested or someone else.
In cases where felonies or multiple offenses are involved, a judge will typically have to do the setting of the bail amount. In such scenarios, the accused will have to remain inside the jail up until the following court date will be scheduled. The bail amount is usually set based on what the judge sees is the needed amount to guarantee that the offender will show up for the hearing. The greater the crime committed, the greater the amount for bail will be set.
In the event that the offender can’t afford to put up the money, they will have to buy a bail bond from a competent place like Bail Man Bail Bonds. This is usually done via the services of a bail bondsman who will then post bail in behalf of the accused in exchange for a fee. In going this route, the person arrested, who can’t afford to pay the bail amount, will be freed quickly, making the services of the bail bondsman very useful.
When a person gets arrested and thrown in jail, the whole experience is terrible, not just for the accused, but his or her loved ones as well. By hiring a trusted business like Bail Man Bail Bonds, you can make the experience less taxing and focus on more important things like fixing other problems involved, surrounded by people you love and not inmates.