The Beginners Guide To Tips (Finding The Starting Point)

How To Overcome The Fear Of Change Holding You Down

Most people are not quite comfortable with the adaptations to change. Whenever we are faced with the prospect of change, we often seem to get a bit distressed and are often not as comfortable with the prospect. We are a little perplexed with the ways some of us seem to get past the feelings which come with this prospect of change. However the flip side is that we can find some ways with which we can deal with this feeling which can get so debilitating to some.

You will first and foremost need to acknowledge and accept the fear that so resides in you. This will then put you on the path to making the plans towards making the unbearable feeling you face a little more bearable. This fear of change is a real obstacle to enabling the majority of us living our full potential and none will be ready to fall in this category. This is your time to get past this disabling feling.

Consider the maintenance of a journal. The journal will be a record of your fears and their causes in your life. You will in the journal a record of all the emotions you feel when you are faced with fear and the effects of these feelings in your life. The journal should also include in it a list of your hopes for the future and the possible plans you may have to achieve or realize your hopes and dreams. The journal is an effective way of relieving yourself of the pent up emotions and unnecessary baggage holding you down. It offers you a perfect means to have another view of the situation you are facing. When decoding the scenarios, try and have a balanced view of the whole situation facing you. Look at the best and worst moments in a particular situation which is causing you all the negative feelings.

The next step in dealing with your fear problem is to focus on the excitement and not just the fear factors. Look at the various situations distressing you from a perspective that will cause you excitement and not a fear causing perspective. This is essentially going to transform your energies from negative to positive and prove a chain reaction to the whole situation. Always remember that a new start will be enabling a whole range of new possibilities and never allow fear cripple and disable you making you think of these as impossibilities. Rememeber that the embracing of change was to enable you have the benefits of such change in your life. It is giving a second chance to live your full potential.