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Everything You Need to Know and More About Vertical Gardens

When you are thinking of planting your own fruits and vegetables in your garden but you do not have enough land to place them horizontally, do not fret as you can do so with the help of vertical gardens that come in trellises, walls, fences, containers, and many more. As a matter of fact, peas, berries, and cucumbers grow better when you use vertical gardens. When you take a look at some homes in your neighborhood, there is no doubt that you can see more than one of them that now have vertical gardens installed in their home even just in their own fences or patios and not needing more space to get their trellises placed on them.

A lot of people are starting to appreciate vertical gardens as even if you only have 5×5 feet of extra space, you can still set up a vertical garden using fences and trellises than can plant different fruits and vegetables corresponding to 100 square feet. There is just one crucial aspect that you must not fail to put in mind in terms of your vertical garden. If you will be gardening vertically, you must make sure that your soil is jam packed with all of the nutrients that your plants will be needing in order for them to grow healthily and at a pace that you intend for them to grow.

If you decide to grow your plants vertically, you need to make sure that they have something that they can cling to as they grow bigger such as trellises, eyebolts, and hangers, and many more. Growing plants vertically should not be that hard if you will just follow some of the things that are listed here to grow your plants.

If you happen to already have a fence in your home, then you will get half the job done. You can come up with your vertical garden with the use of just your fence as you hang planter boxes on some brackets at different levels. If you have a fence that has an average small size, you should expect it to hold at least 3 pieces of planters that have a size of 36 inches and are spaced about 20 inches beside each other in a horizontal manner.

Having a box garden is great for planting lettuce, carrots, and beets. You might also want to use some wire and have them placed on a grid pattern on your fence have ensure that you leave between 12 and 16 inches of space between your wires. With the use of your planter boxes or even just your ground, you can have vining vegetables planted at the bottom part of your fence such as peas and squash.

You might also like to put some right angles in your fence if you still have some great space on them. This can serve as a good surface for having your other plants grown on them.

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