5 GAINS OF CONSTRUCTING DUPLEXES It is the dream of architects to come up with the best and diverse duplex designs. This is because it is a major consideration for duplex builders who eventually put advertisements to the final buyers. If the duplex design floor plans are attractive, the duplex builders are likely to give them preference which ultimately influences the likings of the final buyers and the kind of home appliances to be accommodated. If the duplex designs and prices are affordable, prospective buyers will be able to afford and excite the general market. Therefore, for the gains of duplex building to be realized, the stakeholders must lay out a very elaborate plan. In order to realize maximum profits. So what are the benefits of building duplexes? Extra income The design of the duplex is that two family units can leave above each other with separate entrances. The ultimate benefits of these to the owner is that two sources of rental income can be realized. Duplex owners have the advantage of reduced strain in payment of bills like mortgages.
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Save on land space When a duplex is built, it means two units are constructed on top of each other. This simply saves on limited land space that would have been used in case the two floors are constructed separately. Instead of constructing one unit at a time, with the duplex design it means the same land mass can be optimized for a higher income.
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Privacy With two separate doors of a duplex design, confidentiality among two dwellings is strictly observed. Incidences of crashing are well regulated with duplex design. Improved safety Unlike when a family unit stays alone, there is a general improvement of security when dwellers are more. So duplex is ideal for enhancing the same principal. Expenditures reduction When common bills are shared by the duplex neighbours, the burden is less compared to when a person leaves alone in a separate compound. To the duplex builders; a saving is realized because of the construction of common installations like gate, water and power piping. By adopting duplex designs, there are many advantages than disadvantages unlike when builders constructs separate unit for different dwellers. Therefore, architects should come up with so many attractive duplex designs so that families can be encouraged to leave together. In addressing the land scarcity question particularly within the urban centre, attractive duplex designs should be constructed and marketed to the family units. This can be done by offering of mortgage facilities to dwellers of duplex building with a view to attracting them to own units. With governments intervention through policies, family units may be encouraged to consider duplex housing model as a matter of choice.